
Monday 26 January 2015

Toads Revisited

> This poem responds to Larkins 'Toads'. It carries an extended metaphor, work is the 'toad' in everyone's  lives. 

Stanza One 
> 'should feel better' - implies that even though it should, it doesn't feel better, pity inducing 
> 'the lake, the sunshine, the grass to lie on' simple imagery of nature, it's simplicity suggests that he's never noticed it before as he's not had the time to 

Stanza Two 
> 'blurred playground noises' - noises he used to hear but can't really any more, suggests he has aged, blurred childhood memories 
> 'not a bad place to be : yet it doesn't suit me' - line break emphasises it really isn't that bad, he respects the place he's at in his life yet he doesn't feel comfortable in it.

Stanza Three
> 'palsied old step takers' - the elderly, shaking, zimmoframe
> 'hare eyed' - fearful, 'jitters' could refer to drug addicts

Stanza Four
> 'waxed-fleshed out patients : still vague from accidents' - waxed fleshed indicates paleness, possibly emotionless - people out of work on sick leave
> 'long coats' - homeless people 

Stanza Five
> 'all dodging the toad work : by being stupid or weak' - his opinion of the old, ill, or disabled, dodging implies they're purposefully avoiding work, he's a snob towards the 'work shy' who actually cannot work.
> 'think of being them!' - explanation mark, ironic because he is one of them, he feels uncomfortable with the group he's been categorised into, almost mocking of himself

Stanza Six
> A general reference to their lives, genuinely boring lives, they spend their whole day 'watching' rather than doing.
> Repetition of 'think of being them!' reinforces irony, Larkin is one of them.

Stanza Seven
> 'Turning over their failures' - because they don't go to work they have failed in life, possibly how Larkin feels about himself now he is not going to work. 'Turning over' implies failures once hidden are now coming out
> 'Lobelias' another reference to flowers, Larkin incorporating nature
> 'No friends but empty chairs' - everyone else works so you are alone

Stanza Eight
> This stanza refers how Larkins opinion has changed, he'd rather go back to work than be workless
> 'loaf-haired secretary' is mocking, misoginistic, rather than reffering to her hair as a bun he refers to is a 'loaf', makes her hair seem cheaper and less classier

Stanza Nine
> The finishing line 'give me your arm, old toad' - the hand in hand aspect creates a union between Larkin and work, almost a bond.
> 'Help me down cemetery road' - he wants to work until the day he dies, work will help him to his death, this could be seen as a positive or negative. Personification of work 'helping him' provides a connection between Larkin and the work.

PERSONAL RESPONSE - This poem to me represents Larkins snobbish nature, he'd rather work, doing something he doesn't enjoy than be associated with those who 'avoid toad work'. To me this suggests that Larkin is very concerned with his self image and how he appears to others. It could also suggest Larkin finds no fufilment in a life without work, this could suggest he is a commited man,

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