
Tuesday 13 January 2015

Talking in Bed

The Title - Talking in Bed - The act of talking in bed is something you would do in a comfortable, intimate relationship (maybe more long-term).

Stanza One
'Talking in bed ought to be easiest' - it should be easy, but it isn't, suggesting their relationship is not a comfortable one, or isn't anymore. He is honest from line one.
'Lying together there goes back so far' - implications that the relationship is long term.
'Emblem' - something representative.
'Lying together' - double meaning, to lay or to lie. Implies they're both lying about their feelings for one another to keep the relationship going, they're on the same boat.

Stanza Two
'More and more time passes silently' - growing awkwardness, its not an comfortable silence anymore, suggesting it is happening frequently or they are growing apart.
'Outside the wind's incomplete unrest, builds and disperses clouds about the sky' - pathetic fallacy, the atmosphere is stormy, Larkin is agitated by the situation but has not yet flipped, this could foreshadow an argument to come. Their tension taints the once perfect 'blue sky' (their relationship), further worsening the situation.

Stanza Three
'Dark towns heap up on the horizon' - possibly indicates rows and/or dark times to come.
'None of this cares for us' - there is nothing good in their relationship helping them to stay together.
'At this unique distance from isolation' - Larkin isn't physically isolated, but feels mentally isolated. He's close, but far.

Stanza Four

This final stanza suggests Larkin love's her, because he does not want to her hurt, but is not in love with her, as he cannot be honest with her. He does not want to lie 'words at once true and kind', but he does want to tell the truth 'or not true and not unkind'. It seems as if Larkin does not want to let go, but not provide false hope, he is torn in two by the situation

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